"Turbo!" is an innovative and interactive relationship program designed specifically for young people to foster self-awareness, cultivate meaningful relationships, and navigate individual journey towards a successful career.
This program happens using creatively designed sessions in self-awareness and career guidance in an atmosphere of leisure and recreation, which positions participants towards fostering personal relationship and developing friendship amongst individuals, with the motive towards building confidence, fostering acquaintanceship, and ultimately renewing vigour towards life and the enhancement and development of the society.
Grounded in the principles of holistic personal development, the program aims to empower participants with the skills and insights necessary for a well-rounded and fulfilling life.
“Turbo!” program has a mission to develop young people’s self-awareness, promote healthy relationships, and develop their career planning. We have integrated and developed interactive workshops, group activities, and personalized assessments, using diverse learning styles and tools towards personal development.
We shall utilise personality assessments, strengths identification, and goal-setting activities and an exploration of personal interests, values, and aptitudes towards improving self-awareness, relationship and career.
In the “Turbo!” program we shall use interactive customized mobile application and online platform for gamified elements to enhance learning and motivation and improve ongoing engagement.
“Turbo!” shall provide an inclusion of mentors or life coaches to provide personalized guidance. The program shall encompass Networking opportunities with professionals in diverse fields.
The “Turbo!” program is envisioned as a transformative experience, equipping young individuals with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of self-discovery, relationships, and career development in the modern world.
Please contact us to arrange a booking of this program for your team or organisation.
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